We have completed several longer and shorter research,
development and training projects during the last 22 years.
The biggest projects with international cooperation were as follows.
The quality of education and training fundamentally affects the competitiveness of each country. The four-year project Pathways to Renewing VET (PR-VET) funded by the velux foundations, aims at finding and testing new ways and solutions of VET in Hungary in order to improve the quality of it. The beneficiary of the funding is Edunet Foundation.
NextThe Foundation started a new, three-year ERASMUS+ project, based on international cooperation in autumn 2017. The project aims at producing a toolkit to measure and develop the engagement of fellow workers in educational institutions.
NextThis is a programme for disadvantaged young people aged 16-24 in Europe to develop their entrepreneurial skills, encourage them not to become a member of the ‘lost generation’ and to help them to find their way to a better future. (Erasmus+ Project, 2014-2017)
NextThe project aimed at adapting good practice from abroad which supported learners to be successful in school and choice of career.
NextAfter completing a six month preparation period we arranged an American-Hungarian workshop entitled ‘Official culture and minority students’ in summer 2011. Dr Lisa Delpit, the author of ‘Other People’s Children’ played a key role in the workshop which was supported by the American Embassy in Budapest.
Next‘Fit for Business’ (in a shortened form: Fifobi) was a three year, transnational research program carried out between 2009 and 2011 and supported by the Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) of the European Union.